I wish I could say I had taken a proper photo of the cream tea, but to be honest I was far too busy chatting and eating it for that! This lovely shot was taken by Portia Crossley for the Bedford’s website and I have shamelessly borrowed it as the feature pic here so that […]
Bank of England update
I am a member of the Women in Business network run by Alexis Bowater and Clare Baker. Each month, they invite interesting speakers to their Plymouth and Exeter gatherings. In recent months they have put me in the room with activists from the plastic free movement in Exeter, the head of the new business school […]
Mpower National Business Awards
How have you spent your weekend? Did you hang out with any totally awesome women? I did 😀 I actually got to hang out with loads of awesome women, because I was lucky enough to spend last night at the Mpower National Business Awards in Birmingham with my dear friend Nina Farr, who was a finalist. […]